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Unlocking Potential: The Transformative Power of Naturalization for Immigrants and the United States

Unlocking Potential: The Transformative Power of Naturalization for Immigrants and the United States


Unlocking Potential: The Transformative Power of Naturalization for Immigrants and the United States

Transformative Power of Naturalization: When Dinesh Prabaharan, a Sri Lankan business analyst, embraced U.S. citizenship in December 2023, he celebrated the freedom to call America his unrestricted home. As he expressed, newly minted citizens bear both a duty and a unique privilege to contribute to enhancing their adopted homeland.

Despite the heartfelt sentiments shared by hundreds of thousands of immigrants naturalizing each year, a substantial 7.4 million eligible individuals, or 23.4%, have not yet taken this transformative step. Naturalization not only shields immigrants from deportation but empowers them to actively participate in civic life, access certain government jobs, and secure economic stability—benefits that resonate not only with immigrants but also with American communities at large.

The United States is home to over 46.1 million immigrants, with 76.6% having either naturalized or being eligible to do so. However, significant numbers remain unclaimed, residing predominantly in California, Texas, New York, Florida, and Illinois.

Mexican immigrants represent a significant portion of those eligible, alongside individuals from India, China, El Salvador, and Cuba. Naturalization rates vary across states, with Florida, West Virginia, Vermont, and New Jersey leading, while Arkansas, New Mexico, Indiana, and Kansas lag behind.

Examining naturalization rates by country reveals diverse trends, with immigrants from Lebanon, Hong Kong, and Yugoslavia having high rates, while those from Japan, Mongolia, and Australia exhibit lower rates.

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Naturalized immigrants gain voting rights, influencing local and national elections, yet their representation among eligible voters is lower than their population share. If the 7.4 million eligible immigrants naturalized, they could significantly impact elections, especially in states like Arizona, Georgia, and Pennsylvania.

Economic benefits also accompany naturalization, with immigrant households contributing $2.1 trillion in income, paying substantial federal and state taxes, and wielding $1.6 trillion in spending power. Research indicates an average 8.9% increase in individual earnings post-naturalization, further boosting the economy and local spending.

Naturalization emerges as a win-win scenario, fostering a stronger America, a robust economy, and a more vibrant democracy. Streamlining the citizenship process without unnecessary barriers ensures a brighter future for immigrants and the nation at large.”

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