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Homework Help: Tips for Parents and Caregivers

Homework Help: Tips for Parents and Caregivers


Homework Help: Tips for Parents and Caregivers

While many kids have mixed feelings about homework, it does have its benefits. Homework helps students develop study and time management skills, fosters independence and accountability, and reinforces their learning. However, as a parent, helping your child manage and complete all of their homework assignments isn’t always easy. Here are some ways you can make homework easier for everyone involved.

(Psst! If you’re an educator looking for homework strategies and tips, some of these can help you, too. You might even want to pass them along to families and caregivers to help with homework.)

Strategies for Parents & Caregivers to Help with Homework

Students are more successful in school when parents and caregivers take an active interest in their learning — and that includes homework. Here are some tips to help with homework.

Get organized

First and foremost, help your child get organized by finding a system that will help them keep track of the assignments they need to bring home to complete. These organization systems will look differently for every learner, so we’ve gathered a few different ideas to get you started. 

One option is to have a homework folder where your child puts all their take-home assignments. Another option is to have a binder for every class and/or subject, plus a dedicated homework binder. The latter is ideal for older students, students who have to switch between multiple classes, or those who are able to keep track of different binders. 

In addition to homework folders and binders, you could also create a dedicated place for your child to write down homework assignments every day like a homework log or agenda. Writing down the assignments each day will help underscore what’s due, and help keep them accountable. 

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Resources to help with homework organization

Set the scene

Choose a spot at home where your child can regularly go to complete their homework. Be sure to keep any supplies they might need, such as paper, pencils, scissors, and glue, within reach of that spot. Most importantly, make sure this place is as distraction-free as possible. You can limit potential distractions by making it an expectation that electronics — like cell phones, televisions, gaming consoles — stay switched off (or put away altogether!) while they study.

Plan a study time schedule

When it comes to homework, having a set routine can make a big difference. It’s a good idea, when possible, to have a set time for homework. Of course, this will look different for every family, depending on work schedules and after-school activities. Just choose any time that works for your family and stick to it as much as you can. Over time, consistency will help your child develop good study habits.

Give your child some choice

Let your child have a little bit of say when it comes to how they complete their homework. For example, you can let them choose which assignment or subject they start with first. Giving kids the opportunity to make some choices can go a long way toward helping them feel more empowered, independent, and more important of all, motivated to complete their assignments. 

Help them manage their time

Before starting homework, spend a few minutes going over what’s on deck for the night. Ask questions about what assignments are due, and what quizzes and tests they have coming up that they might need to study for. This can help you (and them!) get a sense of the overall workload for the night and what they need to prioritize. On nights when there are really big projects on their plates, encourage your child to think about what steps they need to complete to break the work down into more manageable chunks. If it’s a really heavy homework night, be sure they schedule brain breaks every hour. 

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Resources to help with time management

Be present for homework help (but don’t hover)

Homework helps students learn how to work independently. As a parent or caregiver, you’ll have to strike a balance between being available to support and encourage your child as they complete their assignments — without becoming overly involved in doing the work itself. To foster independent working habits, you can stay available to help with homework by doing your own tasks or chores nearby. This allows you to be present to answer questions and offer guidance, without hovering.

Pro Tip: Since kids are more likely to follow what their parents do rather than what they say, model what independent work looks like. When it’s homework time, consider working on your own “assignments,” like reading the news, paying bills, or another task!

Have a “phone a friend” option available

It might be a good idea for you and your child to pick a few study buddies — that is, two or three classmates that your child can reach out to, should the need arise. Having the option to “phone a friend” can come in handy if your child has a question about something they were assigned or needs additional homework help.

Keep in touch with teachers

If you’re able to, try to attend school events at the beginning of the year — like meet-the-teacher night or parent-teacher conferences — to open the lines of communication with your child’s teacher. These are great forums to ask what a teacher’s homework policies are, along with their expectations for how involved you should be.

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If you need homework help throughout the year, don’t be shy in bringing it to your teacher’s attention. Teachers often have helpful tips and strategies to share to help with homework, but if they don’t know your child is struggling, they can’t offer you help.

Reward effort and progress

Let’s face it: homework often isn’t an activity that kids want to do, and it can be a big source of stress and frustration. As a parent or caregiver, you can boost motivation and confidence in a number of different ways. 

For example, if you have a child who lacks motivation, consider implementing a rewards system or incentive plan. Talk to your child about what they might like to earn. Watching a favorite TV show, spending time on devices, or getting a sweet treat are just a few ways to reward kids’ for their effort. Additionally, if you have a child who routinely struggles with their assignments, it might be a good idea to provide additional encouragement and support by practicing affirmations and positive self-talk. Celebrate their effort and progress rather than just the final grade.

Discover more resources and ideas to help with homework on TPT.

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