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How to increase your chances of studying in Canada in 2023

How to increase your chances of studying in Canada in 2023


How to increase your chances of studying in Canada in 2023

As the world has largely gone back to normal following the pandemic, many prospective students are now looking to resume their plans of studying in Canada. However, this can be a lot easier said than done, with the study permit approval rates only sitting around 60%.

 The likelihood of a successful study permit varies based on the country you’re applying from (you can view the approval rates by country here). But, even if you are submitting your application from a country with a higher success rate, you should never underestimate the expectations officers have of study permit applications.

 So, what can you do to increase the chances of your study permit application being approved? Below, we have outlined 5 key things we recommend you do when planning to study in Canada:

1. Choose a reputable university or college

 Canada has over 1,500 higher education institutes which are Designated Learning Institutions (DLIs). To qualify to apply for a study permit, you must have a letter of acceptance from a DLI – although there is much more to consider when selecting your school than it simply being on the list of approved DLIs. 

 Generally, the better the school, the better your chances of a successful study permit application. The best way to determine whether your school is reputable is to do your research! Consider where the school ranks in lists of best universities or colleges, how competitive the admission process is, and what their graduation and graduate employment rates are.

 You should also do some research into whether the school is highly regarded in your field and what the size of the department is. It is a good idea to compare the course at your preferred school with comparable courses available at other DLIs, to get a sense for whether your school is a good option for your proposed studies.     

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2. Choose a program related to your previous studies and career

 There are also some key considerations when deciding which program to pursue. While it may be tempting to select a program that just sounds interesting, it is important that the program relates to your educational and career background. In reviewing your application, the officer will consider whether the proposed studies are a reasonable next step in your career. Therefore, if the program is completely unrelated to anything you have done before, the officer will likely have concerns about the relevancy of your studies. 

The program you select doesn’t have to be in exactly the same field as what you have done before, but you should make sure there is a logical connection. For example, if you already hold a Bachelor’s degree in business and you have gained some work experience in a human resources department, applying for a Master’s in HR Management could be a suitable next step.  

 If you are unable to show a connection between your preferred program and your previous studies or work experience, then it is important that you instead show how your experiences to date have led to your decision to pursue the proposed studies. This will help you demonstrate to the officer that you have a genuine interest in the program.

3. Demonstrate how your proposed studies will help you achieve your career goals

 In addition to the program’s connection to your background, the connection between your proposed studies and your future career is equally important to a successful study permit application. You need to assure the officer that the specific program you are looking to pursue is essential to achieving your career goals. This will further prove to the officer that you have a genuine interest in the studies. It will also reassure them of your intention to return home at the end of your studies, which is essential, given a study permit is for a temporary stay in Canada only.


 You should also demonstrate how a comparable program back home will not provide you with the same career opportunities as studying in Canada will. This will help you justify why it is essential for you to come to Canada to pursue your studies. To do this, we recommend including in your application some examples of what your job prospects will look like at home once you have the Canadian qualification, compared to what they would be like without it.

4. Be employed at the time of your application

 Something you should do to strengthen any temporary resident application is to be employed at the time you apply! This is important for several reasons – in particular, to prove you are financially established and can support yourself during your time in Canada, and to show you have a job or employment opportunities to return to at the end of your stay in Canada.

 For study permit applications in particular, being employed in a field related to your proposed studies is especially helpful, as it reinforces the relevance of studying in Canada to your background and future career plans. If you are not employed at the time when you submit your study permit application, make sure to explain why in your application, and emphasize the relevance of any previous employment you have held.

5. Prepare a strong study plan

Finally, to increase your chances of studying in Canada it is essential that you submit a strong study plan (or letter of intent) with your application. This is where you will be able to explain everything mentioned above, as well as demonstrate your intention to return home at the end of your studies. Here, you can also include additional information and supporting documents relevant to your application.

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A well-written study plan can be the defining factor between a successful or a declined application. This is one area of your application where working with a Canadian immigration lawyer can be particularly helpful, to ensure you appropriately articulate your genuine intention to come to Canada temporarily, and don’t forget to include any key information. Therefore, we would recommend you book a consultation to discuss your study plan further.

Final Takeaways – Speak to a Canadian Immigration Lawyer

Doing these 5 things will drastically increase your chances of success with your study permit application. However, it is important to keep in mind that unfortunately no immigration process is guaranteed and there is always a chance your study permit application could be refused. Sometimes this can be due to an error on IRCC’s part, but more often than not it is because the officer assessing your application wasn’t convinced of your intentions, due to various factors.

If your study permit is denied, there are options available for you to re-apply, submit a request for reconsideration or even pursue a judicial review. However, your likelihood of success declines each time you are refused a study permit or visa to Canada, so it is really important to try and get it right the first time!

Therefore, if you have any doubts about the strength of your application, you can book a consultation with one of our Canadian immigration lawyers, who will be happy to answer your questions and discuss how we can assist you moving forward with the study permit process, through our direct lawyer to client collaboration.

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