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New Quebec Draws Issues 1,490 Canada Immigration Invitations

New Quebec Draws Issues 1,490 Canada Immigration Invitations


New Quebec Draws Issues 1,490 Canada Immigration Invitations

Quebec’s immigration authorities recently held a selection round through the Arrima Expression of Interest system, issuing 1,490 invitations for Canadian immigration.

This draw took place on August 1, based on data extracted as of July 29, and focused on two specific groups of candidates.

The first group required candidates to have at least a level 7 proficiency in French according to Quebec’s standards and a minimum score of 580 on the Quebec Expression of Interest points system.

The second group also required a minimum French proficiency level of 7 but targeted applicants with job offers outside the Montreal metropolitan area. For this group, there was no minimum points requirement.

Quebec Expression Of Interest Draw

Date of invitations Invites Issued Minimum Score Date of extraction from Arrima bank
01-08-24 1,490 580 July 29, 2024 at 6.25am

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How Does the Quebec Expression of Interest System Operate?

  1. Prospective applicants begin by submitting an online Expression of Interest (EOI) through the Arrima portal.
  2. Submitted profiles are placed in an EOI pool and ranked using a points system. These profiles remain valid for a period of 12 months.
  3. Candidates with the highest scores are periodically selected and invited to apply for a Quebec Selection Certificate (CSQ) under the Quebec Skilled Worker Program.
  4. Upon receiving an invitation, candidates have 60 days to submit a complete application.
  5. Those who receive a CSQ can then apply to the federal government for Canadian permanent residence.
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Understanding the Quebec Expression of Interest Points System

The Quebec Expression of Interest points system is designed to rank the profiles submitted via the Arrima portal. The highest-ranked profiles are invited to apply for Quebec immigration under the Quebec Skilled Worker Program.

Candidates, along with their spouse or common-law partner, can earn up to 1,320 points. Points are awarded based on human capital and labour market criteria relevant to Quebec.

What Are the Criteria for Quebec Expression of Interest?

The Quebec Expression of Interest points system evaluates candidates in two main categories, some of which include points for the spouse or common-law partner of the principal applicant:

  • Human Capital Factors:
    • Proficiency in French.
    • Combined proficiency in French and English.
    • Age.
    • Work experience.
    • Educational background.
  • Quebec Labour Market Factors:
    • Work experience in fields facing labour shortages.
    • Qualifications in areas of training specific to Quebec.
    • Education level attained in Quebec.
    • Professional experience in Quebec.
    • Professional experience elsewhere in Canada.
    • Job offers within or outside Greater Montreal.

Quebec publishes lists of High Demand Occupations and Areas of Training that significantly influence the evaluation process.

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